Roliba´s Sustainable Newspaper

Roliba's mission is to "offer sustainable, customized assortments and know-how to wholesalers delivered from day to day in consistent quality, ensuring our customers a wide range of Roliba products and agencies from all over the world”.

Therefore, at the beginning of 2023, we decided to make an "old-school" newspaper that briefly describes our company's 131 years history, starting in 1892 as a rope warehouse in Ejby on West Funen and until today, where we are situated in Odense.

As a part of our mission, we want to be part of the crucial green transition - which you read more about here in our little newspaper.

Read the paper here »

Roliba´s sustainable newspaper

Hvem er Roliba?

Roliba er en danskejet moderne handelsvirksomhed, der beskæftiger sig med en bred pallette af produkter til byggemarkedsbranchen, el-branchen og diverse specialforretninger. Produkterne er en kombination af agentur-produkter og egen-importerede produkter.

Niels Ratjen Sunke – direktør

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Moderne handelsvirksomhed